The Mana World


The Mana World Original Server

This is the first (established in 2006) and original server of the game The Mana World. It is hosted on Platinum Non Profit Server - a non profit hosting project.

The server administrator is Zuzanna K. Filutowska (Platyna) one of three original The Mana World administrators (two other left the project in 2006 to start a different one)

The Mana World MMORPG Game

The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world. It is licensed under the GPL, making sure this game can't ever run away from you.

The project includes the development of both a client and a server, as well as the development of an online world. At the moment we're making alpha releases of the client, while our server is in early development. The eAthena free software Ragnarok Online server is used until our own server has matured enough to replace it. Once ready, we'll be making releases of our server too so anybody will be free to set up their own server and start building their own online world.


There are many people who have been involved in this project. For a list of contributors see the wiki page: Developers which keeps track of the current and retired contributors.

What happened in March 2013?

At 09.03.2013 an unauthorized copy of this server's files has been made, by one of developers (o11c). This person was abusive in the past (he was abusing server commands). However due to fact that we had not many active content developers I was overlooking. It seems it was the worst thing I could do.

As an original server admin and one of three original TMW admins (two others left the project several years ago) I think you deserve to hear a whole story about what happened:

The developer mentioned above demanded powers over the community for him and his collegues, which I was contantly refusing their requests.

The domain owner (Eugenio Favalli aka. ElvenProgrammer) was threatened, that if he will not change the domain entries to point to his server he and his friends will do no more content updates.

The domain didn't belong to me because Eugenio Favalli is the person who was the first TMW project admin. In 2006 he made a fork (Mana) and left TMW in my hands. During these seven years I was the only admin of TMW.

After the domain owner has been basically blackmailed, the plan about how and when to copy the files has been made on a secret channel, so it could be hidden from me. A secret group called TMW Committee has been formed.

At 09.03.2013 an unauthorized copy of this server's files has been made, by one of developers (o11c). This person was abusive in the past (he was abusing server commands). However due to fact that we had not many active content developers I was overlooking. It seems it was the worst thing I could do.

As an original server admin and one of three original TMW admins (two others left the project several years ago) I think you deserve to hear a whole story about what happened:

The developer mentioned above demanded powers over the community for him and his collegues, which I was contantly refusing their requests.

The domain owner (Eugenio Favalli aka. ElvenProgrammer) was threatened, that if he will not change the domain entries to point to his server he and his friends will do no more content updates.

The domain didn't belong to me because Eugenio Favalli is the person who was the first TMW project admin. In 2006 he made a fork (Mana) and left TMW in my hands. During these seven years I was the only admin of TMW.

After the domain owner has been basically blackmailed, the plan about how and when to copy the files has been made on a secret channel, so it could be hidden from me. A secret group called TMW Committee has been formed.

On 09.03.2013 an unauthorized copy of the files has been made and the domain entries were changed without me being even notified.

It is normal in OSS projects that people sometimes can't get along. However it is a common practice that if some group of people doesn't like the way the project is being managed they are creating their own fork. Unfortunately the members of so called TMW Committee decided to copy my work instead.